Anxiety, Anger & Depression

Anxiety, Anger & Depression: Central Florida Therapy Solutions

Exposure Therapy.  A form of CBT, exposure therapy is a process for reducing fear and anxiety responses. In therapy, a person is gradually exposed to a feared situation or object, learning to become less sensitive over time. This type of therapy has been found to be particularly effective for phobia.  This is often employed in combination with other interventions for driving phobias.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Therapy uses strategies of acceptance and mindfulness (living in the moment and experiencing things without judgment), along with commitment and behavior change, as a tools to change what one dislikes about themselves and their environment.  ACT involved clarifying your personal goals and what you are willing to commit to change. 

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT).  Integrates cognitive behavioral interventions with concepts from meditation to focus on acceptance and change. The focus is upon learning mindfulness, increasing ones ability to tolerate distress, learning to regulate one’s emotions and developing interpersonal skills. 

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).  Under certain conditions rapid eye movements reduce the intensity of disturbing thoughts. A treatment known as eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, or EMDR, helps one experience disturbing material in a less distressing way. Research has found this to be helpful for PTSD, panic attacks and phobia.

Biofeedback.  Biofeedback is combined with relaxation therapies to help you learn to manage your physical and emotional reactions to stress and to reduce the intensity and frequency of your anxiety. This intervention has long lasting effects and is often a good alternative to medication.

Here is a summary of AlphaStim results: